Chiropractic treatment is an alternative form of medicine that can act as an effective healing technique. It "repairs" injured joints, spine, soft tissues and muscles, resulting in an exponential increase in blood circulation and mobility.
At O’Leary Chiropractic, we treat mainly conditions and injury to the neck, back, shoulders and hips. We combine multiple different treatment types to help you recover without the use of medications. Common treatment types include spinal manipulation, ultrasound, muscle stimulation (EMS), stretching, exercise prescription, soft tissue therapies, ergonomic advice and more. Call us today at 518-793-1205 to schedule an appointment!
When you walk into our Chiropractic Care Center for the first time, you'll be made to undergo a thorough chiropractic and physical examination to identify your exact physical ailments. Once we have the initial diagnosis report, we'll start with the recommended treatment.
Alternatively, you may be asked to undertake a few more diagnostic tests, such as x-rays or MRI, to pinpoint the problem and once we understand the cause of your discomfort, your chiropractic treatment will be started without any further delay. It is not necessary to have imaging before your initial examination.
Spinal manipulation, also referred to as "adjustment", is a preferred form of treatment at our chiropractic care center. It is a powerful pain reliever. It'll restore soft tissue mobility and avoid various types of pains.
Apart from this technique, our expert chiropractors also use stretching and other soft tissue healing treatments along with therapeutic modes of treatment like ultrasound, electrical stimulation, heat therapy, ice therapy, exercise prescription and ergonomic considerations to expedite the healing process.